Quick post here on updating your vCSA 6.0 in what I believe to be the fastest way to update your vCSA installation. The VAMI that comes with vCSA is a great little tool but I find it to be hit or miss at times so I wanted to find a more reliable and visible way to upgrade. Behold the baked in software-packages tool via SSH!
1) Go to https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/patch#search and search for the latest VC patches and download
2) Upload to a datastore visible by your vCSA
3) Attach *.iso to the vCSA VM
4) SSH into the vCSA with your root credentials
5) Run software-packages install –iso –acceptEulas and wait for the update to finish, it should look like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
Command> software-packages install --iso --acceptEulas [2015-10-04T00:27:17.277] : Staging software update packages from ISO [2015-10-04T00:27:17.277] : ISO mounted successfully [2015-10-04 00:27:17,246] : Running pre-stage script..... [2015-10-04T00:27:18.277] : Verifying staging area [2015-10-04T00:27:18.277] : Validating software update payload [2015-10-04T00:27:18.277] : Validation successful [2015-10-04 00:27:18,553] : Processing software packages in update payload 30/1 143/143 [2015-10-04T00:28:21.277] : ISO unmounted successfully [2015-10-04T00:28:22.277] : (143) packages staged successfully [2015-10-04 00:28:22,012] : Running test transaction .... [2015-10-04 00:28:33,031] : Running pre-install script..... [2015-10-04T00:29:47.277] : Services stopped. [2015-10-04 00:29:47,189] : Upgrading software packages .... [2015-10-04 00:34:50,686] : Running post-install script..... [2015-10-04T00:34:52.277] : Packages upgraded successfully, Reboot is required to complete the installation. |
6) Reboot vCSA via shutdown reboot -r updating and rejoice!