Enterprise team shot this issue up to me today which I hadn’t seen before. There was a hung VDI VM in our Xen Server 6.5 farm that refused to boot. Every time it would attempt to power up, it would fail with the error of “VDI Not Available.” Typically this occurs if a VM hangs and is terminated improperly or a host fails. In my case, the host wouldn’t let go of the writecache disk for the VDI VM. Thankfully the fix is relatively easy and doesn’t result in any downtime for the rest of the environment.
1 |
xe vm-list | grep -B 1 nameofVM |
1 |
list_domains | grep VM_UUID |
1 |
xe vm-disk-list uuid=VM_UUID | grep -A 4 VDI |
1 |
/opt/xensource/sm/resetvdis.py single VDI_UUID |
And that’s all there is to it. Quick, simple, and effective. If only all solutions were this simple…